Stay ahead of the competition with Simfund FundFiling. Get real-time tracking intelligence on mutual funds and ETFs. Optimize product offerings.

Unlock the power of your sales strategy

Track trends and stay ahead of your competitors with Simfund’s comprehensive current and historical database extracted from SEC EDGAR Filings.  Find new opportunities and respond to changes quickly with real-time monitoring of product development trends and competitor fund/ETF changes.

Stay Current With FundFiling

Daily Alerts

Daily Alert Service monitors new fund registrations and changes in funds/ETFs across 50+ types of activity.

Weekly Reports

Weekly reports and monthly research reports provide an overview of industry product development activity.

Customized Reporting

Create and receive custom alerts and notifications on funds of your choice using specific and customized criteria that fit your needs

Database Coverage

The database contains all relevant mutual fund/ETF documents – prospectuses, semi/annual reports, proxies, and more.

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