Industry-leading benchmarking, market sizing, and competitive analysis powered by extensive datasets that span products, customer types, and geographies to identify opportunities and drive growth.

Unrivaled Global Data Coverage

Data covering more than 40 global markets, including competitive benchmarking and asset flows, across a broad range of funds, financial products, vehicle types, and regions.
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Experienced Team Committed to Quality

Decades of experience sourcing proprietary and third-party datasets with speed and accuracy, synthesized through our subject matter experts.

Identify Market Opportunities that Drive Growth

Accessible data in the format that works best for your firm. Benchmarking, market, competitor, and trend analysis that enable you to make better strategic and product decisions.

More Data in One Place Than Anywhere Else

We've brought together data from multiple sources, and standardized for easy access on integrated platforms, enabling deeper understanding of financial product data, insights, flows, and trends to drive competitive advantage and growth.

MarketPulse lets you analyze worldwide asset flows and trends across managers, vehicles, and regions to drive growth.

Benchmarking and Competitive Intelligence

Benchmark your funds against the market and peer groups. Know exactly which competitors are gaining or losing flows and how it may potentially impact your funds. Dig deeper to understand competitor profiles and factors driving changes in relative asset and product flows.

Market Sizing and Trend Analysis

Size the market by various asset classes or vehicle types. Identify your market share and that of your competitors. Identify and forecast growth opportunities to gain market share with datasets that help you.

Product Strategy and Development

See how money is flowing so you can identify new opportunities and optimize your product offering to capture market share.

Identify New Product and Market Opportunities

Visualize distribution trends, analyze new market entries, identify organic growth, and review M&A opportunities. Drive growth and gain a competitive advantage through product consolidation.

Pricing Strategy

Benchmark fees and performance, identify mispriced share classes, then quantify how to optimize pricing strategies for future growth.

Fulfill Regulatory Requirements

Access data crucial to monitoring the investment products that you create. Generate reports and publications needed as evidence for compliance and regulatory requirements.

MarketPulse Suite


Business intelligence suite of products to conduct benchmarking and understand asset flows and product trends.

Powered by Simfund
Global Data Coverage

The premier business intelligence platform for the asset management industry, providing best-in-class datasets enabling benchmarking, asset flow, and trend analysis. Comprehensive coverage of more than 200,000 funds, ETFs, and financial products representing more than $137T USD in assets under management across over 40 markets.
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MarketPulse Analytics
Global Data Coverage

Providing competitive intelligence and predictive analytics for asset managers to understand their competition and trends in investor preferences. MarketPro Analytics leverages machine-learning-driven insights to provide predictive analytics on competitive asset flows, investor preferences, and more.
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MarketPulse Annuity Filings
United States

Daily competitive intelligence and commentary on the latest trends in variable annuity (VA) and registered index-linked contracts (RILA), as well as underlying funds. Powerful email alerts, search engines and industry insights supported by unparalleled client service.
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MarketPulse FundFiling
United States

Track trends and stay ahead of your competitors with MarketPulse's comprehensive current and historical database extracted from SEC EDGAR Filings. Find new opportunities and respond to changes quickly with real-time monitoring of product development trends and competitor fund/ETF changes.
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MarketPulse Mandate
United States

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MarketPulse Mandate Reports
United States

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce sed ultricies urna, non dignissim nisi. In lectus lectus, volutpat vitae laoreet at, rutrum non odio. Aliquam rhoncus orci ac nisl commodo suscipit. In ipsum lorem, ultricies nec suscipit eget, dictum sit amet dolor. Ut tristique eros quis est feugiat rhoncus. Sed aliquet et ligula a ultricies.
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Global Data Coverage
AUM Globally
$ 0 T
Share Classes
0 K+
0 +

as of 6/30/23

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